Pre-orders opening next monthColonial Rifle KitAbove: Rough outline of the profile. Master buttplate made from high density polyurethane foam board (butterboard). Below: Master of the guard, buttplate and pipes. We are so happy about all the excitement for the next kit and wanted to share an update on its development.
The new Colonial Rifle kit will be pre-rev war (1760's - 1770's) rifle in styling, brass mounted and available in .50 and .54 calibers. It will have a round faced English lock. The buttplate will be a little over 2" wide and a touch over 5" tall. The barrel will be 1.125" at the breech, taper to around .800" and flare to around .870". The barrel length will be 43.25". The kit will be available with a wood patchbox . It will only be available in right hand (sorry lefties). We are working very hard to get this kit out before the end of the year. Jim has finished up the masters for the hardware and will be making the wax-injection molds over the next week. It is not yet available for pre-sale, but should be soon. All the care that has gone into our first kit will go into this one as well. It will be as easy or easier to assemble than our Southern Mountain Rifle kit. We feel pretty good about so far and think it's going to be a kick ass rifle. It should be priced starting at $995. After this rifle, there will be more projects to come. Maybe a full blown English fowling piece, perhaps a Lehigh rifle and maybe a trade gun as well. Time will tell... Any thoughts? Besides developing new projects, we're continually pushing forward trying to improve our product even more. We're proud of it's quality and how it's set a new standard for muzzleloading kits, but also know it can be better. We have ideas to make production more efficient on our end and assembly even easier. Everything takes time, but we'll get there. Thanks so much for all the support. We've been at this only a year and a half or so and at the outset, we really didn't know what to expect. The reception has far exceeded what we ever imagined. So thanks to all of our customers and those who have contributed to the endeavor.
AuthorJim Kibler--maker of flintlock rifles. Archives
May 2019
Kibler's Longrifles
HoursM-F: 7am - 4pm
TelephoneOffice: 330-551-5844